
Maintain and repair your watch







       路易-于利斯·萧邦(Louis-Ulysse XIAOBANG)(1836-1915年)于国外汝拉山地区松维利耶镇建立高精度制表厂,专业制造怀表与精密时计。

       Louis Ulysse XIAOBANG (1836-1915) established a high-precision watch making factory in the town of sonvillier in the RULA mountains of Switzerland, specializing in the manufacture of pocket watches and precision timepieces.




       With its high accuracy and reliability, the watch made by Louis Ulis & middot; Chopin quickly won a good reputation among watch lovers, attracting customers from Eastern Europe, the Baltic States, Russia and Scandinavia. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Chopin became the clock supplier of Tsar Nicholas II.




       On January 30, 1915, Louis Julius Chopin died in sonvillier. Later, his son Paul Louis took over the family brand, and in 1937 moved the company to Geneva, the internationally renowned capital of high-end watches and precision watch making. In 1943, Paul Louis, the son of Chopin, took over the family business of Chopin brand.




       德国腕表与珠宝王朝的第三代传人——卡尔·舍费尔三世(Karl Scheufele III)为拓展事业,意欲收购一家国外腕表制造厂,并以日内瓦为优先选择。他亲赴日内瓦,在那里首次与保罗-安德烈·萧邦会面。当时,公司正宣告出售。卡尔·舍费尔三世与妻子卡琳(Karin)以全新的方式执掌萧邦,引领品牌走向了非凡的国外化拓展之路,并带来了更高的声誉。五十多年来,夫妇两人为品牌倾心投入,如今仍活跃在公司的业务中。

       Karl Scheufele III, the third generation successor of the German watch and jewelry Dynasty, intends to acquire a Swiss watch manufacturer in order to expand his business, with Geneva as the preferred choice. He went to Geneva, where he met Paul Andre Chopin for the first time. At the time, the company was announcing a sale. Carl & middot; Schaefer III and his wife Karin are in charge of Chopin in a new way, leading the brand to an extraordinary road of international development and bringing a higher reputation. For more than 50 years, the couple have devoted themselves to the brand and are still active in the company's business.




       Karl Scheffer decided to build a new watchmaking workshop in Merlin, Geneva. Since then, the watchmaking workshop has expanded to multi-storey floors. Carl and Caroline bring their jewelry expertise to Chopin to create precious and bright watches for ladies.



       The first Happy Diamonds watch was created in 1976.It brought an innovative twist to the theme of diamond-set watches with its mobile diamonds sliding and spinning freely between two transparent sapphire crystals.This unique patented invention became since then,the DNA of XIAOBANG.

       The first Happy Diamonds watch was created in 1976.It brought an innovative twist to the theme of diamond-set watches with its mobile diamonds sliding and spinning freely between two transparent sapphire crystals.This unique patented invention became since then,the DNA of XIAOBANG.




       Chopin launched a steel sports watch that surprised the critics: & lt; St.Moritz&rdquo , the first watch designed by Carl Frederick & middot; Sheffer at the age of 22. The style is elegant and sporty, suitable for all kinds of occasions, and has the characteristics of waterproof and anti-seismic




       Chopin opened its first independent boutique in Hong Kong in 1983, and since then became one of the first luxury brands to develop boutique network.



       萧邦呈献首枚复杂功能奢华腕表,“Luna D’Oro”,其上带有逆跳显示的万年历。

       Chopin presented his first luxury wristwatch with complex functions, & lt; Luna D & rsquo; Oro & gt;, on which the calendar with reverse jump display was displayed.



       一张小丑的速写初稿,促使卡罗琳·舍费尔(Caroline Scheufele)走进了设计的世界。Happy Clown的腹中充满了灵动钻石与多彩宝石,一经推出便成为了品牌的吉祥物,同时亦标志着萧邦珠宝系列的诞生。

       A sketch draft of a clown makes Caroline Scheufele enter the world of design. Happy clown is full of smart diamonds and colorful gems. Once launched, it has become the mascot of the brand and also marks the birth of Chopin jewelry series.





       The first Chopin store in Europe was opened in Geneva.



       萧邦开始与Mille Miglia经典古董车赛合作。这一富有传奇色彩的拉力赛每年于意大利举办一次,被誉为“世界上最美丽的赛事”。出于对古董车赛的钟爱,萧邦联合总裁卡尔-弗雷德里克·舍费尔决定创作Mille Miglia系列。该系列时计的设计灵感源自古董汽车,将运动风格与顶尖的制表科技完美结合。

       Chopin started working with Mille Miglia classic car racing. This legendary rally is held once a year in Italy and is known as the most beautiful event in the world;. Out of love for antique car racing, Carl Frederick Scheffer, CO president of Chopin, decided to create the Mille Miglia series. Inspired by antique cars, the timepieces combine athletic style with top-notch tabulation technology.




       CAS ̌ Mir series is full of Arabic pattern, curve and flower decoration. Its inspiration comes from Kashmir pattern (also known as paisley pattern), which was used by the brand in 1990. In the pursuit of Cas Mir, Chopin launched a perfume with the same name, creating a joyful feast for both the visual and the sense of smell.


       A few years later, Chopin continued to show his creativity and originality, and designed a new jewelry series: Pushkin series. With pearls, gems, gold and polished diamonds, this series interprets the elegant curve of Russian church.



       Happy Sport系列首次面世精钢与钻石的独创组合,大胆张扬、自由不羁,使得Happy Sport系列自1993年起便始终是腕表工业内颇具代表性的成功传奇。

       Happy sport series is the first time in the world. The original combination of refined steel and diamond is bold and unrestrained. Since 1993, happy sport series has always been a representative successful legend in the watch industry.




       Chopin launched the iconic imperial series, inspired by the golden age of the great empire.




       The brand set up Chopin watch making workshop in frerier, Jura Mountains, Switzerland, to return to the root of watch making and create an exclusive movement. Handmade for all of Chopin's & l.frederick's watches. As a result, Chopin became one of the few truly exclusive watch making brands in the watch making industry.



       萧邦表厂设计制作的首枚腕表L.U.C 1860,配备了“L.U.C Calibre 96.01-L”机芯,被国外《Montres Passion/Uhrenwelt》杂志投票选为“年度腕表”。

       The first watch l.u.c 1860 designed and produced by Chopin watch factory is equipped with the movement of & lt; l.u.c calibre 96.01-l & gt;, which was voted & lt; watch of the year & gt; by Swiss magazine montres passage / uhrenwelt;.




       Chopin became the official partner of Cannes Film Festival. The festival president invited Caroline & middot; Sheffield to redesign the Palme d'Or. Since then, Chopin has become a passionate part of the world's most glamorous film event. Soon after, Chopin became one of the top jewelry brands that adorned the stars of the festival, climbing the red carpet with them.



       萧邦推出Ice Cube系列。这一新系列为颇具摩登气息的磨光设计,立方体造型将几何体的简洁与精致的优雅完美融合,缔造变幻无限的创造可能。

       Chopin launched ice cube series. This new series is a modern polished design. The cube shape perfectly combines the simplicity of geometry with exquisite elegance, creating unlimited possibilities of creation.



       萧邦设立Trophée XIAOBANG奖项,作为每年戛纳电影节上对年轻演员的嘉奖。

       Chopin set up the Troph & eacute; e XIAOBANG award as an annual recognition for young actors at Cannes Film Festival.




       Chopin became the official timekeeper of another classic car race & mdash; & mdash; Monaco classic car race (gpmh).



       作为对向Jacky Ickx致敬的设计,萧邦的同名系列问世。Jacky Ickx曾六获勒芒24小时耐力赛冠军,同时也是萧邦品牌的忠实好友。萧邦“Happy Spirit”珠宝新系列诞生。作品造型犹如水面涟漪,将细致线条与曲线精美结合,同时内含灵动旋转的Happy Diamonds钻石。

       As a tribute to Jacky ickx, Chopin's eponymous series came out. Jacky ickx won the Le Mans 24-hour endurance race six times and is also a loyal friend of Chopin brand. A new Chopin & lt; happy spirit & gt; jewelry series was born. The shape of the work is like ripples on the water surface. It combines delicate lines and curves, and contains the flexible and rotating happy diamonds.




       As one of the founding brands, Chopin is honored to witness the establishment of FQF. The certification consists of a series of five phase tests. The aim is to guarantee the following aspects: origin (the watches to be tested must be 100% made in Switzerland), aesthetic processing and accuracy (COSC certification of the official Observatory of Switzerland), reliability (chronofilable & reg; test), and durability (using the fleuritest simulator as the test tool).




       On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Chopin's watch making workshop, the l.u.ceum museum was opened in Freire. The exhibition concept of the museum is quite creative. Through the representative masterpieces in the field of tabulation in different times and different regions of Europe, the museum narrates the long history of timing.




       The first high-grade jewelry red carpet series specially designed for Cannes Film Festival has come out.




       Chopin was awarded the "Applied Arts" category "excellent enterprise training Award" by the state of Geneva for his long-term commitment and efforts in training and education.

       Fleurier Ebauches制表厂于弗勒里耶落成,专为萧邦品牌不同的系列制作机械机芯。

       Fleurier ebauches watch making factory was established in fleurier. It is specialized in making mechanical movements for different series of Chopin brands.



       萧邦迎来150周年庆典。值此时机,品牌的高级珠宝类推出了含有150个不同动物的Animal World系列。与此同时,品牌亦呈现了一系列高级钟表,此系列由以下四款全新L.U.C腕表组成,每一款都搭载一枚新机芯:“All in One”、“L.U.C Louis-Ulysse Tribute”、“Engine One”,以及“L.U.C 1937”。

       Chopin celebrated his 150th anniversary. At this time, the brand's advanced jewelry launched the animal world series with 150 different animals. At the same time, the brand also presents a series of advanced clocks, which are composed of the following four new l.u.c watches, each with a new movement: & lt; all in one & gt;, & lt; l.u.c Louis Ulysse distribute & gt;, & lt; engine one & gt;, and & lt; l.u.c 1937 & gt;.



       萧邦庆祝其标志性精品——Happy Sport系列诞生20周年。在20周年庆典期间,全新的Happy Sport腕表被首次搭载了自动机芯。

       Chopin celebrated the 20th anniversary of his iconic collection, happy sport. During the 20th anniversary celebration, the new happy sport watch was first equipped with an automatic movement.



       萧邦携手丽维亚·费尔斯(Livia Firth,Eco-Age创意总监兼绿地毯挑战计划(GCC®)创始人),共同推出一长期项目,名为“The Journey”,旨在倡导可持续发展的奢侈品产业。萧邦呈献Green Carpet高级珠宝系列。该系列珠宝由“公平采矿”认证的金原料打造,镶嵌的钻石皆采购自获责任珠宝委员会(RJC)认证的供应商。

       Chopin, together with Livia Firth, creative director of eco age and founder of GCC & reg;, launched a long-term project called & lt; the journey & gt;, which aims to promote the sustainable development of luxury industry. Chopin presents green carpet jewelry collection. This series of jewelry is made of & lt; fair Mining & gt; certified gold raw materials, and the inlaid diamonds are purchased from suppliers certified by the responsible jewelry Committee (RJC).



       萧邦带来第一枚由“公平采矿”认证的金原料制作的陀飞轮腕表:“L.U.C Tourbillon QF Fairmined”。在戛纳电影节期间,萧邦向世人展示了独家设计的金棕榈奖座

       Chopin brought his first Tourbillon watch made of & lt; fair Mining & gt; certified gold material: & lt; l.u.c Tourbillon QF fairmined & gt;. During the Cannes Film Festival, Chopin showed the world the exclusive design of the Palme d'Or



       为进一步坚定迈向可持续发展的奢侈品之路的决心,萧邦设计推出了绿棕榈系列。这是品牌首个由“公平采矿”认证金原料制作的对外售卖珠宝系列。该系列的设计拥有着优美的曲线和棕榈树展开的树叶造型,特于戛纳电影节60周年之际推出。Happy Hearts珠宝系列具有女性的柔美气息与丰富的色彩,于2008年首次面世。2015年,该系列迎来了新的设计,例如广为人知的手镯。

       In order to further strengthen the determination towards the road of sustainable development of luxury goods, Chopin design launched the green palm series. This is the brand's first jewelry series for sale made of & lt; fair Mining & gt; certified gold. The design of the series, with its beautiful curves and palm tree unfolded leaves, was launched on the 60th anniversary of Cannes Film Festival. Happy hearts jewelry series, with feminine charm and rich colors, was first launched in 2008. In 2015, the collection ushered in new designs, such as the well-known bracelet.



       2016年,Happy Diamonds欢庆40周岁生日。1976年起,灵巧的钻石开始了它们的舞动。从那以后,Happy Diamonds在世界各地成功地播洒了无限欢悦。一切都始于这句宣言:钻石因自由跃动而快乐!

       In 2016, happy diamonds celebrated its 40th birthday. Since 1976, smart diamonds have begun their dance. Since then, happy diamonds has been a success all over the world. It all begins with this Declaration: diamonds are happy for their free movement!

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